If you’re going to a private school in Germany you are usually considered a wealthy person, that is able to afford the high tuition fees. In Kenya this is different.
Due to the lack of public schools in slums, a large number of “private schools” are being established. Unfortunately, however, these primary schools are far from good quality education: Unqualified teachers who mostly just graduated from secondary school themselves hold their classes in tiny tin huts. However, these schools are often the only option for kids from low-income families to get an education at all. The low quality education makes it hard for these kids to qualify for secondary school though and if they happen do to so, to keep up with other students in secondary school. Without a good basic education in primary school it is almost impossible to graduate from secondary school.
However, there is a third type of school in Kenya: The so-called organization schools, which are run and supported by larger organizations, such as churches and associations. Here, teachers have higher degrees and offer good quality education, often even better than in public schools. Despite the financial support by individual organizations, the school fees are too high for many families and cannot be covered.
We believe in the power of high quality education and therefore transfer all our students to these organizational schools. We want to make sure that every child has the opportunity to exploit its full potential. This is why we focus on fewer children and quality instead of quantity.